$18,280,333MXN ”Estimado únicamente: El monto final se basará en el tipo de cambio al momento del cierre.” El propietario vende la propiedad por menos de los costos de construcción. Consta de 5 apartamentos, 2 locales y espacio para construir dos niveles más. Puede usarse como casa unifamiliar o desarrollarse en apartamentos o condominios. Construcción de calidad con ladrillos cocidos. Ubicada en una zona tranquila de Buenos Aires, cerca del río Cuale, transporte público, cafés, restaurantes y el Museo de Arte Vallarta. Se requiere cita con 24 horas de anticipación. ENGLISH-$890,000USD The builder/owner is selling the property for less than he has put into the construction costs. Currently, 5 apartments and 2 locales with more space to build two more levels.
Can be used as a single-family home only or developed into numerous apartments or condominiums. Very good construction – not cement blocks but fired bricks for walls. Quiet area close to town but not in the hectic traffic. The property is well-situated in Buenos Aires, a few blocks from the Cuale River and convenient to access public transportation. Leisurely walk along the river and visit cafes, restaurants, and the Vallarta Art Museum. Appointments necessary 24 hours in advance.
Property details
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List Price
$890,000 USD
$18,280,333 MXNProperty Type
Total SqFt
Lot M2
- HoodVent
- Refrigerator
- WasherDryer Hookups
- Air Conditioning (Ceiling Fans)
- Water Heater (Gas)
- Internet (Infinitum)
Infrastructure and Utilities
- Concrete
Road Type
- Cobblestone
- City