Cabo San Lucas Top 20 Things To Do Pt.2

Cabo San Lucas Top 20 Things To Do Pt.2

Planning your next vacation getaway or move to Cabo San Lucas? On the tip of the Baja California Sur, this city in the Los Cabos area has something for everyone Get ready for a thrilling mix of relaxation and adventure in this sun-soaked paradise. Fall in love with this desert paradise through its dynamic activities and unique real estate making it the perfect spot for your next vacation getaway, dream home, or investment property. From indulging in farm-to-table delicacies to exploring the bustling bars on Medano Beach, Cabo offers a variety of experiences to keep you entertained. With many wonderful neighborhoods do not miss checking out the Marina, Centro, Cabo Corridor, Diamante, or Pedregal. Here is the second part of a three-part series that is our list of the top 20 things to do in Cabo San Lucas.

8. Encounter a Whale Shark

Cabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.

Adding a dash of excitement to your aquatic adventures in Cabo, venturing into the mysterious depths of the blue ocean sets the stage for one of the most enticing experiences – the whale shark encounter. Notably popular among thrill-seekers, the opportunity to swim alongside the Atlantic’s largest fish, the whale shark, is indeed a transformative experience. This activity hands you a chance to witness the peaceful and majestic giants of the sea, all within arm’s reach.

Whale sharks, although daunting in size, are known to showcase a calm demeanor, making your encounter a surprisingly serene event. These gentle giants offer an impressive sight, with their heavily patterned bodies extending up to 40 feet and their mouths filled with thousands of tiny teeth. Fortunately for those who dare, despite their large size, whale sharks feed on plankton and have no interest in human interaction other than benign curiosity.

Sneak peeks into the life of these magnificent creatures are available mainly between the months of September and April, making this time frame an ideal period to plan your adventures. Embark on guided tours led by trained staff who prioritize not only your safety but also the well-being of these delicate giants. They adhere strictly to guidelines that prohibit touching the creatures to preserve this fantastic species’ natural behavior and keep them stress-free.

A well-guided whale shark encounter allows you to spectate the creatures from a respectful distance while absorbing the limitless beauty of the ocean. Combine the thrill of encountering a whale shark with the calming effect of being amidst the vast, open waters of the ocean, and you have an unforgettable adventure in Cabo San Lucas.

Cabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.9. Rent Jetskis

After exploring ziplining, snorkeling, and swimming with whale sharks, add another dash of adrenaline to your Cabo adventure with jet-skiing. Compared to other aqua-sport activities, jet skis give you the freedom to roam the sparkling waters of Cabo at your own pace. Discover hidden coves, sail past stunning beaches, or simply enjoy the thrill of speed over the water.

Renting a jet-ski is fairly simple in Cabo San Lucas. Numerous rental companies, touted by reputable tour operators, operate along Medano Beach and around the marina. Most offer hourly rentals, giving you plenty of time to enjoy this exciting aquatic activity. Note that most companies insist on safety first, providing life jackets and instruction before you hit the waves. Remember, speed restrictions apply close to the shore for everyone’s safety.

Aside from the thrill of riding the waves, jet-skiing in Cabo offers stunning views of landmarks like Lover’s Beach, the Arch, and the majestic rock formations. Under the warm sun, the azure waters create a vibrant backdrop for your ride.

So shift into high gear, and make the most of the crystal-clear waters of Cabo. While renting a jet-ski, also consider your level of comfort with water sports, and choose a company that matches your needs. Regardless, get ready to feel the sea spray on your skin and the wind in your hair as you zoom across the gleaming Sea of Cortez.

Remember, jet-skiing is just one of the many adventures that Cabo San Lucas has to offer. Every endeavor you choose, from interacting with marine life to soaring through the desert canopies, enriches your Cabo vacation, creating a cascade of memories that last a lifetime.

10. Go Whale WatchingCabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.

Expanding your adventure in Cabo San Lucas means more than just earthly exploits; it’s also about exploring the fascinating marine world. For a mesmerizing spectacle, set your sights on whale-watching, a must-attend event in the city’s winter scenery. Between mid-December and early April, the waters of the Baja Peninsula become a playground for thousands of gray, humpback, and other whales. They leave behind their Arctic feeding grounds, turning these warmer waters into their mating and birthing haven.

Humpback whales particularly steal the spotlight around Cabo. Known for their vibrant activity, they put on an unforgettable show, often visible spouting and jumping, even from shore. But to fully appreciate these marine giants, venture out on a whale-watching boat tour. A close encounter with these creatures ensures a memory etched in your heart, making this activity one of the most sought-after in Los Cabos.

Embarking on such an expedition can’t go wrong, with sightings near-guaranteed during these months. On the water, the dynamic coast of Cabo sets the stage for your adventure as you anticipate the sight of these majestic creatures. The quality of these experiences remains laudable, given multiple commendations of Cabo’s whale-watching expeditions.

While whale-watching excites at a distance, those yearning for an immersive underwater experience could consider exploring Cabo’s diving spots. You even have the opportunity to spot sharks, especially around Cabo Pulmo, known for its fantastic underwater sights. October and November mark the best months for warm water diving, orchestrated by the lovely weather on land.

Remember, no matter the adventure you’re seeking, be it zipping through the desert or being up close with whales, Cabo San Lucas ensures unforgettable experiences. After the day’s thrill, find respite at Lover’s Beach, the epitome of tranquility between dramatic rock formations and the soothing auspices of azure waters. With the turn of every day in Cabo, you’ll discover more of this coastal gem’s surprises, creating memories for a lifetime.

Cabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.11. Mountain Bike the Baja Peninsula

Just after carving through the sky while ziplining and swimming alongside whale sharks, prepare for an adventure of a different terrain: mountain biking. Yes, you read it right! The gorgeous Baja Peninsula offers even more thrilling experiences.

Here, you’re not just cycling; you’re unwinding in the wild beauty that uniquely defines Cabo San Lucas. Biking provides a great way to interact with nature and maintain fitness. Imagine pedaling through the midst of a striking contrast between desert terrain and sea views.

The route’s not boring; elevation varies! Along the path, you’ll come across diverse routes. In some locations, it’s a gently rolling trail. Contrastingly, in others, it’s a pathway of steep ascents and descents. If you’re a fan of endurance biking, this destination poses the perfect challenge, testing your strength while rewarding your senses.

What’s special? It’s the view! The ride gets increasingly scenic as you traverse through the Baja Peninsula. Discover the azure panoramic vistas of the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez, offering a breathtaking backdrop throughout the ride. The visual magnificence of this biking tour is surely a sight to capture.

Biking here, you’re past regular parks and paved roads. It’s all about diving into the unspoiled side of Cabo San Lucas. Exploring the region by bike allows you to get up close with the local flora and fauna, offering the best of both fun and discovery.

So grab a helmet, book a bike, and get a set pedal. Remember, it’s not just about the ride, but the enchanting journey. The Baja Peninsula has a lot to offer, and the whole experience turns a simple bike ride into an epic adventure.

In Cabo, choose your adventure. Whether it’s diving into great depths, soaring above canyons, or pedaling through the Baja Peninsula, outdoor pursuits are seemingly endless. Cabo San Lucas, in its uniquely captivating way, continues to seduce adventurers from around the world. Are you ready for your Cabo adventure yet?

12. Take a Cooking ClassCabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.

In addition to its adventurous offerings, Cabo San Lucas also provides cultural activities that’ll immerse you in Mexican cuisine. Participating in a cooking class introduces you to the authentic, rich flavors of Mexican gastronomy that you’ve experienced during your time in Mexico.

The cooking classes often include a comprehensive farm tour, so you’ll learn about the cultivation of the fresh ingredients that make your food so flavorful. As you master the art of making tasty salsas, traditional tamales, and more, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of why true Mexican food is so unforgettable.

These classes present a hands-on opportunity to immerse yourself in the culinary heritage, savoring your creations in a full lunch served after class, complete with dessert. Besides offering a unique experience, these classes ensure that you can recreate those mouth-watering dishes in your own kitchen, allowing you to savor a piece of your Cabo adventure long after your return.

So don’t limit your experience to adventure-seeking; enjoy the heart of Mexican food through a cooking class in Cabo San Lucas. After a dose of adrenaline from ziplining or snorkeling, swap your swimming gear for a chef’s apron. Engage in a cultural experience that strikes a perfect balance with the adrenaline-filled activities in this vibrant destination.

Cabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.13. Take a Sunset Sail

Cap off your day in Cabo San Lucas with a magical sunset sail. This experience ranks high amongst romantic activities for couples. Not only do they provide stunning views as the sun dips behind the horizon, but they also allow you to behold, up close, the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean linked by the iconic Land’s End.

Choose from a variety of sunset cruises, each delivering a unique experience. Opt for a Classy Dinner Cruise if sophistication suits your palette. Guests kept to a count of 24, enjoy delicacies on a custom-designed catamaran. Don’t expect a noisy crowd; it’s all about tranquillity and savoring the dusky hues.

If exclusivity is what you seek, sign up for a Private Sailboat Charter. Perfect for two, this comes complete with an expert crew catering to your comforts throughout the three-hour sail at sunset. Share a proposal, or simply bask in the warmth of togetherness; it’s meant to be a personal and special sojourn.

Those keen on camaraderie can join a Shared Sunset Sailing Cruise. Here, small groups unite to witness the twilight spectacle, apps, wine, and drinks included.

Private Charter Aboard a Power Cruiser

For groups of four, a luxury power cruiser offers a unique sunset viewing. Aboard the 42-foot vessel, the splendid Cabo San Lucas sunset unfolds as your personal spectacle for three hours with an attentive crew at service.

Cabo Sails Experience

Chartered trips with Cabo Sails ensure a lovely, unforgettable journey. Witness the sky metamorphose into a canvas painted neon pink and fiery orange, as the night cloaks the sea with its starry magic.

Pez Gato Sunset Cruises

For a blend of tranquillity, beauty, comfort, and luxury, Pez Gato sunset cruises are a top-notch pick. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the peace and serenity of the seas as you sail along sunset-engaged waters.

So, whether you’re after the peace of the open water, the company of new friends, or an exclusive romantic moment, Cabo San Lucas’s sunset sails offer experiences tailored to all preferences.

14. Be a Dolphin Trainer For a DayCabo San Lucas is a dynamic place to live that has amazing real estate.

Imagine spending a day in the life of a dolphin trainer. In Cabo San Lucas, this isn’t just an abstract concept but a tangible reality. It presents a unique opportunity to interact with these intelligent marine creatures in a meaningful and respectful way. The program is specially curated to give a peek into the day-to-day activities of a dolphin trainer.

At the start, you are acquainted with the custodians of these beautiful creatures – the dolphin trainers. Learning about their roles, responsibilities, and dedication toward the well-being of the dolphins gives a broader understanding of the program. This firsthand knowledge can serve to dispel myths and encourage responsible behaviors around marine life.

Next, step into a wetsuit and dive into a world of curiosity and intelligence. Participate in training sessions where the trainers run various activities with the dolphins. These include play, exercise, and cognitive tasks designed to keep the marine mammals both physically fit and mentally engaged.

One of the highlights of the day is being able to assist in feeding these playful, intelligent creatures. Diet management is a key part of a dolphin trainer’s job, you get to understand the meticulous planning that goes into their nutrition intake. The sight of these vivacious beings full of vitality leaps and bounds in the water lightens up the atmosphere and presents a spectacle to behold.

Finally, relish the thrill of performing a rehearsed routine with the dolphins for a crowd. It’s pure exhilaration to showcase the skills learned during the day and witness the dolphins’ amazing agility and grace. It’s truly a day filled with joyous interactions and immersive learning experiences.

Pedregal is in the Cabo San Lucas Marina area and an exceptional option for one of a kind luxury real estate for sale.MexHome Knows Cabo San Lucas

MexHome is your Cabo San Lucas expert. Ranging from fun things to do to being experts in this thriving real estate market. We know how to buy real estate in Mexico and make the process effortless. MexHome, your one-stop shop for anything related to real estate in Mexico, is dedicated to providing you with seamless, knowledgeable, and personalized services to help you locate the ideal residence in this paradise of the desert. There are many possibilities in Cabo San Lucas to satisfy every need, ranging from dream homes and real estate investments to holiday residences. Allow MexHome to open the door and guide you through the exceptional real estate offerings of this enchanting beachside retreat.

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