Talpa de Allende Real Estate for Sale

A Taste of Authentic Mexico

Talpa is your typical Mexican village that situated high in the mountains of the Sierra Madre. At over 4,000 feet above sea level and surrounded by pine-covered mountains, the climate is perfect all year round.

This former silver mining town was founded by the Spanish in 1599. Today, the town is better known as the destination for a popular pilgrimage route. In the center of Talpa is the church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, which houses the tiny Virgen del Rosario, a small statue said to have healing powers.

Talpa de Allende Real Estate

Recently there has been some real estate development in the region, offering small homes and lots for building
Real estate in Talpa de Allende is outside the Restricted Zone, which means foreigners do not need a bank trust in order to purchase it.